How to boost fb likes with Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads – 3 Ways to Boost a Post Like a Pro!
Facebook Ads – 3 Ways to Boost a Post Like a Pro!
Paying Facebook money to show your posts to more people, or “boost” their reach, couldn’t be any easier. You simply need to boost a post! This article reveals the scoop…Facebook Ads – 3 ways to boost a post like a pro!
Just find the “Boost Post” button at the bottom right-hand corner of any post on your page…
..and hit “Boost”!
If that is all of the thought you give to your Facebook post boosting strategy, you can expect to lose your money faster than a slot machine in Las Vegas…and probably have less fun doing it!

3 Ways to Boost a Post Like a Pro:

Pro Boosting Trick #1 – Add Gasoline to Posts that are Already On Fire!

We spend a fair amount of money boosting our own posts at Boom! Social and have just one “Golden Rule” we live by…
“Never boost a post without a defined goal!”
That goal can be to get more blog traffic, get more clicks to a landing page, give away a free offer, get more “likes”, etc.
Here is one cool little trick we use on the Boom! Social Facebook Fan Page to create our own viral posts and get more page “likes”.
How much more you ask?
In the last week our posts have reached 2.1 million people with 116,091 post engagements. We also had 1,811 new “likes” and we didn’t spend a penny getting them.
How did we do it?
We figure out which posts are already doing well and spend a little money boosting them to make them do even better. In other words, we find the flame and throw more gasoline on it.
You can do this yourself in 4 easy steps.
Step 1: Click the “Insights” button at the top of your Fan Page.
Step 2: Then click the “Posts” button on the left-hand side.
Step 3: Next click the “Reach” button. This sorts all of the status updates you have posted to your Fan Page in the last 90 days from highest to lowest reach.
Step 4: Pick one of the posts that are already performing well and boost it!
Why does this work? Well, for ZERO dollars people have already pretty much told you which of your posts they like and do not like.
This post was seen, for FREE, by over 400,000 people and “liked”, “commented” or “shared” by over 23,000 people. It makes sense that if I pay a little more to boost its reach to more of our community that they too will enjoy it and push its virality even higher.
The result is we get hundreds more fan page likes and consistently higher free reach in the future.

Pro Boosting Trick #2 – Fans are Great, But Friends Works Too!

The first part of this tip is intuitive. If you are going to pay Facebook money to show your post to more people, pay them to show it to your fans first. Yes, it is more costly, but these are the people most likely to engage with the post and, more importantly, to convert into list subscribers, webinar attendees and, eventually, paying customers!
However, what do you do if you don’t have a lot of Facebook Fans to show the post to?
The next best option is to show the posts to the “friends of your fans”. The “pro-tip” part is that you filter those fans to make them more targeted, and therefore MUCH more likely to want what you are offering right out of the gate.
Here is how you do it.
Step 1: Go into your Facebook Ads Manager, click “Create Ad”, select the “Boost Post” option and find the post you want to boost.
Step 2: Click the “Set Audience and Budget” button. This just get you to the next screen where you can build your audience.
Step 3: In the “Connections” section select “Fan Pages” then “Friends of People Who Like Your Page”. Then enter the name of your Fan Page. This will give you a very large, but not very targeted potential audience.
Step 4: Narrow that audience down to a more reasonable number (we shoot for 500,000 to 1,000,000 people) by applying filters on the left-hand side. Which filters do you use? Use filters that better identify your target customer. For instance, many of our list subscribers and customers are small business owners, so it makes sense to apply that filter in the “Behaviors” section.
It takes a little practice, but what you end up with are not just friends of the Facebook fans you already have, but a highly targeted subset of those! They will be a MUCH more valuable part of your community when they do see your post, engage and eventually like your page!

Pro Boosting Trick #3 – Only Pay for Results!

Pay for engagements not impressions. With posts that have real business-building value, you don’t care how many people see your post as much as how many are actually interested in what you are posting about, right?
Let’s say you write a post inviting people to a free webinar and include a link to a landing page where they can sign up. In the “How much do you want to spend?” section change the bidding to optimize for post engagements and only pay when people do actually engage with your post!
So, what do you think? Do you like your odds of getting much better results from boosting your Facebook Fan posts now?
How to boost fb likes with Facebook Ads How to boost fb likes with Facebook Ads Reviewed by Daniel Chuks on 04:55 Rating: 5

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