Get more likes on facebook posts

And according to research, every single Facebook fan is worth $174 for a brand. Your Facebook fans are people you can reach and engage with. You can also target them with Facebook advertising and even create a lookalike audiences from your Facebook fans. This is powerful stuff!
Image result for facebook
Getting more Facebook likes used to be easy a few years ago but with algorithm changes and the price of Facebook Ads consistently increasing, it’s no piece of cake.
So how to hack Facebook likes? How do you go about increasing your Facebook Page likes for free? We’ll start with “easy” ways leveraging your network, and we’ll go on with more advanced strategies to boost your Facebook page likes.

Start with your Network: Invite People to Get Facebook Likes fast

People from your network are always the easiest to target. They’re within reach; they already know you which makes it easy for you to convert them into page likes. They’ll most probably do it out of sympathy for you.
There are two main ways of doing that:
  1. Inviting your Facebook profile friends
  2. Inviting people via email
✋  A word of caution: don’t go and invite all your Facebook friends/emails you have stored to like your Facebook page if they’re not part of your target audience. This will result in poor engagement on your Facebook page afterward.
Invite facebook friends page

1️⃣  Invite All Friends at once

When it comes to inviting your Facebook friends to like your page, you’re not going to do it one by one. Instead, use this chrome extension called “Invite All Friends on Facebook“.
It can take a certain time, and you might have to do it in multiple attempts. Think of all the time it’s saving you!
Ps: since recently, you can include a Facebook message along with your invitation, take advantage! Make sure to write your message before using the Invite All Friends on Facebook extension.
Invite friends Facebook likes

2️⃣  Email invite

For some pages, it’s also possible to invite people to like via email. You’ll find it under the “invite” tab on your page if it’s available to you.
Bonus tip: the more admin who have the relevant friends you invite, the more people you can invite combined!

Get Facebook likes from your Website

Think about it: your website’s visitor is a perfect target for your Facebook page.
They connect with what you are saying or selling, why not try to convert them into Facebook fans and get more Facebook likes for your page? This way you can quietly move them down your funnel.
And it’s quite easy for them to like your page if they’re already logged into Facebook: it will require only one click!
There are several ways to do it, more or less pushy.

1️⃣  Facebook Like Box

The obvious one is having a “Facebook like box” displayed at a certain part of your website. Some have it in their website slider, some in the footer so see where you could fit yours.

2️⃣  What about a pop-up or scroll box?

Some people also have the like box pop up or slide in as you scroll. Pretty intrusive in my opinion.
I don’t recommend “gating” content in exchange of a Facebook like we sometimes see.

Share your Page’s Posts on your Profile

I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but when you share a Facebook page’s post, it will show as an “embed” version of the shared post.
People who see the post on your profile will then have the option to like your page!
That’s a nice Facebook pages likes hack ðŸ™‚

Exclusive: Transform Facebook Profile into Page

This one is a Facebook likes hack you won’t see everywhere.
It turns out you can transform your Facebook into a Page and have people like automatically this new page. You also get to keep the profile you’ve transformed into a page.
✋ Once again, this will work in the long-term only if your Facebook friends would make good Facebook Page likes.
If you already have a Facebook page, you could always merge this new page with your old one!

Convert Followers from other Social Media

You also have followers on Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram or other social media profiles, right?
They already follow you there, why wouldn’t they be interested in liking your page? Like in Finance, you want to diversify your followers on multiple platforms.
Are you skeptical?
What if you tell them you’ll publish exclusive content there. Sound more attractive, yeah?
So don’t hesitate to publish on other social media platform asking people to like your Facebook page as well. On Twitter and others, you can always “pin” that post to the top of your account and make sure it’s seen!

Your email subscribers and email contacts are also potential Facebook Fans.

1️⃣ Email list

As seen above, you can in some cases invite people by email to like your page.
You can also include a link to your Facebook page in your newsletters or as part of your “let’s connect” drip email step.

2️⃣ Email signature

You must also be sending a lot of 1 to 1 emails. Why not benefit from them to build up your Facebook page likes?
Something as simple as adding a link to your Facebook page in the email signature can result in a lot of likes in the long-term.

Gather likes with a Contest

Another great way to get more Facebook likes is organizing a contest.
Even if Facebook banned forcing contestants to like a page to enter a contest (like gate), you could still suggest it in your referral actions page. They won’t win anything, but it doesn’t mean they won’t do it!
I’ve previously used this tactic to gather 1000s of likes for Facebook pages via a contest.

Partner with Complementary Facebook Pages

If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.
cheesy grate
By combining your efforts with a complimentary Facebook Page, you’ll have an occasion increase your reach and target people who are relevant to you.
Now they are right and wrong ways of doing it.

Post GREAT Content and Optimize your Facebook Organic Reach

It’s no secret; great content is key as well on social media.
It might even be the ultimate way to hack Facebook likes.
When you’re about to like a page, don’t you look at its content?
I’d even go as far as say it’s a prerequisite for every hack listed in this article.
Even more than that, posting great content and optimizing your Facebook organic reach can lead to more people discovering your page and hence liking it!
Here is my article about beating Facebook algorithm to Boost your Facebook Organic reach, gold advice there!

Manage your Facebook Group with your Page

If have no Facebook group, you should consider it.
It’s a great way to engage with your audience, build your reputation and listen to how your audience members interact with each other.
Something relatively new is that you can manage a Facebook group with a Page.
Doing so, your group members will see and notice it at each post you make and might like it!

Get Facebook Likes with Facebook Ads

Ok, this one is not a free one, but I couldn’t let myself not mention it given how efficient it can be.
Facebook ads are a no-brainer in digital marketing nowadays.
You can target ðŸŽ¯ a really precise audience you build on the spot, target your Facebook page likes, create lookalike audiences from them, even target people from emails or retarget people from your website (and even emails and clicks).
Even more interesting for us, for every advertisement, you’ll do, there will be a “like button” on the top right allowing its viewers to like your page in one tap or click. That’s a HUGE hack.
Even more than that,  you can invite anyone who has liked/reacted with your ads to like your Page!
Invite people to like Facebook Page from ad
Get more likes on facebook posts Get more likes on facebook posts Reviewed by Daniel Chuks on 07:02 Rating: 5

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